Choosy Beggar

A self-indulgent tribute to accomplishing as little as possible and then complaining about it.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

She had it coming

I'm baaa-aaack! One WHOLE month without a blog entry. Shoooweee, writing this I'm like a bulemic in a pie factory!

So London was fantastic. I had a blast, drank a lotta ale and danced like an elf on fire. A little bit sad to be back but geez things have seriously hotted up here lately - and I'm not just talking weather.

The Company took us for a schwanky dinner at a certain hotel in a certain part of sandton square last night - it was basically a big thank you for all our hard work and an enthusiastic pat on the back for being the best team since, well, ever.

You're probably thinking, "Wow, that's nice of them, what splendid chaps" But that's where you'd be mistaken. Sorely sorely mistaken. The evening started with our CEO asking Super C and I whether or not the bumpkin we work with was a good boss...

Before I detail the aftermath of this comment, I'd like to pause to reflect on the situation we have at work. That is, let me break it down for you right here:

There are four of us who work together: Super C, Bumpkin, Newbie and little ole me. Super C and I are known for rocking and being generally fabulous. What can I say, it’s tough at the top. Newbie is a sweetie but needs to grow some cahones and stop being everyone’s packhorse. And then there’s Bumpkin. Bumpkin likes to think she’s the boss of everyone else and has been quite opportunistic on this front, cultivating a more-than-a-little-absurd version of the truth wherein she does all the work and we inevitably drool all over ourselves. This pisses Super C and I off because:

a) she worked here 5 months before I joined, hardly time to be deemed management material methinks AND we often help her out with things that she can't do because she doesn't know how or doesn't have the ability and she still takes the credit for it
b) we all do the same work and have the same responsibilities (or would have if she didn’t greedily jump in to ‘help out a director’ so that everyone would congratulate her on her hard work and dedication to the company)
c) we all work just as hard and put in long hours when needs be but because Super C and I manage our time better and have learnt to say no without fear of being called slackers because we know how hard we work, we get to go home on time while she wastes her life at her computer at all hours of the day and night, just so the big cheeses will see her and comment on her brilliance. Sometimes I think she just stays and surfs the internet but craves the recognition of being here later than everyone else. Which brings me to my next point:
d) she sucks up to the directors. Blatantly. Unabashedly. Unscrupulously. And then still tries to weasel her way into our fold and be all chummy with us? No thanks, go sell your crazy elsewhere, we’re all stocked up here.
Anyhoo, back to the story at hand. The big bossman asked Super C and me if we thought she was a good boss. Amidst coughs and snorting into our wine glasses we managed not to giggle too much and mumbled something incoherent. Now the problem here is that Bumpkin didn’t say a word. She just waited and looked at us with her suck-up bambi eyes and expected a real answer when HER answer should have been, “don’t be silly, we all work together, I’m not their boss! How utterly absurd” But she didn’t. The clamour of crickets chirping was deafening. She’s obviously promoted and fed this idea into their heads and is now sitting back waiting to reap all the glory while we’re treated like the special needs class.

So to cut a long story short, Super C and I have cut her out. She is persona non grata. Her name is mud. She no longer wears the mark of the chosen ones.

I mean come on, in the corporate social hierarchy, we all need to stick together and work as a team. It’s us against them (the big cheeses) and if you start to stab your colleagues in the back just to get a pat on the head from the big guns then you sure as hell aren’t winning yourself any favours.

As long as Super C and I maintain a united front, we can’t go wrong. Here’s to the BCI!!!


At 7:57 pm, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

Hmmm...I so like a good cat fight in the office, just to alleviate the tedium of it all.

ps. welcome back

At 9:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back ;)


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