Choosy Beggar

A self-indulgent tribute to accomplishing as little as possible and then complaining about it.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Pour Myself a Cup of Ambition

Have you ever had one of those dreams where Wentworth Miller has declared his undying love for you and you find yourself co-habiting with him in the Malibu mansion he bought as a celebration of your love, sipping Cristal and being fed bon bons? And when you wake up you feel cheated out of the incredible bliss you so obviously deserve.

Well, that's how I feel at the moment, except that I haven't yet woken up from the glee that I'm experiencing as a result of quitting my job at The Company. I feel like I'm floating around in a state of semi-dementia as I realise that my life is about to change so much for the better. I've managed to land myself what could only be described as 'a dream job', working in an industry that actually excites and motivates me.

I will no longer be subjected to painfully boring morning meetings where arrogant suits discuss how much money the company is making and devise strategies on how to finagle the clients and get their grubby little paws on more...MORE.

I will no longer have to listen to the banal lunch conversations that I have been subjected to for the last 14 months.

I won't have to retch into my dustbin at the blatant display of ass-licking that goes on in this place.

Never again will I have to work on a project that is so boring it makes me want to push my clutch pencil through my eye and swirl my brain around.

No more will I have to do all the work while some enterprising account manager takes all the credit.

There is not one shred of sadness or remorse, only pure unadulterated happiness towards the knowledge that I will soon be shutting the door on this chapter of my life.

2007 - I knew you'd be a goodie.
Roll on the good times.


At 9:27 am, Blogger Boozy Tart said...

Well done chicken! Couldn't be more chuffed for you - I say keep on filling that cup of ambition, you deserve it babe! And I must say your new move has prompted me into getting my act together and start that task of looking around! Rock on 2007!


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